CNF – CNS Joint Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine
CNF – CNS Joint Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine

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CNF – CNS Joint Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine

The Child Neurology Foundation envisions a world in which all children affected by neurological disorders can reach their full potential. Our partners at the Child Neurology Society join us in this vision, as they are charged to bring together North America’s child neurologists to make children’s lives better. We both envision a world in which children feel safe and cared for. Where compassion guides our actions, and where neighbors look out for one another. In this world we are working towards, there is no place for cruelty.

As we have collectively learned of the current situation taking place in Ukraine, our hearts have been shattered. Innocent civilians – many of them children – are fleeing the war zone. There are dire shortages of medication and medical supplies, negatively affecting healthcare delivery resulting in stories of children living with neurological conditions struggling to access the care they need. It rattles us to our core and puts all the ordinary noise in our lives on pause.

While the war seems far away, we recognize the collective experience of humanity that we all share, and as organizations focused on the health and safety of vulnerable children, we feel it is our duty to help where we can.

To that end, we are jointly in conversations with other national physician-membership organizations including the International Child Neurology Association, as well as the American Academy of Neurology’s Ukraine Crisis Response Work Group to identify ways we can collaboratively respond to the calls for help we are receiving from the Ukrainian child neurology community.

As solutions are identified, we will share opportunities for how our community can join our efforts. For now, we are sharing some useful links to contribute to organizations that are providing life-saving assistance to Ukrainians who are living, fighting, and surviving in this war.

  • UNICEF: Providing safe drinking water, food, sanitation measures, and protection for children and families caught in the conflict.
  • Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders: Conducting a range of activities in Ukraine to help people travel to health care facilities and access prescribed medications.
  • Save the Children: Working to provide food, supplies, and shelter to the children living within the Ukraine war zone.
  • International Committee of Red Cross – Ukraine: Working closely with the Ukraine Red Cross Society to provide emergency assistance such as food, water, and other essential items.

The world has been inspired by the bravery and resilience of the Ukrainian people, and we want to take a special moment to honor the front-line medical professionals who are working against all odds to care for the most vulnerable, as well as the caregivers who are now not only managing their child’s daily care needs, but also fearless in their will to survive.

Warmly, and with wishes of safety for you and your families,

Anup Patel, MD                                                                         Bruce H. Cohen, MD
Child Neurology Foundation Board President                    Child Neurology Society President

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