Child Neurology Foundation Symposium
at the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting
December 6, 2024 | Los Angeles, CA
Individuals with epilepsy may occasionally display harmful and disruptive behaviors towards themselves or others, particularly when there is an accompanying language or communication impairment. This symposium aims to offer insights from the perspectives of patients, caregivers, and multidisciplinary providers on how to assess and guide the treatment of these behaviors. Additionally, it will provide guidelines on addressing different medical comorbidities, exploring treatment options with anticonvulsant therapies as well as negative side effects of these therapies, and approaching common psychiatric comorbidities in epilepsy – both persistent and episodic/triggered.
Mark Carroll
Parent of a child living with medical complexities
Madeline Chadehumbe, MD
NeurAbilities Healthcare
Nan Lin, MD
Cincinnati Children’s
Tatiana Falcone, MD
Cleveland Clinic
Lawrence E. Fried, MD, MBA
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Kim Hindery
Child Neurology Foundation
Sarah Kelley, MD
Johns Hopkins
Shelly Meitzler
TSC Alliance
Jay Salpekar, MD, FANPA
Kennedy Krieger Institute
Robert Stowe, MD
Boston Children’s Hospital
9:00 AM
Madeline Chadehumbe, MD
NeurAbilities Healthcare
9:15 AM
Patient & Caregiver Perspective: What You Want Your Providers to Know
Mark Carroll, Caregiver
9:30 AM
Assessing Problem Behaviors
Nan Lin, MD
Cincinnati Children’s
9:50 AM
Behavior Treatment Options: Non-medication Approach
Tatiana Falcone, MD
Cleveland Clinic
10:20 AM
10:30 AM
Behavior Treatment Options: Pharmacologic Approach
Jay Salpekar, MD, FANPA
Kennedy Krieger Institute
11:00 AM
Case Study Scenarios
Lawrence E. Fried, MD, MBA
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Robert Stowe, MD
Boston Children’s Hospital
11:40 AM
Practical Application: Helping Your Patients With Behavior Management
Madeline Chadehumbe, MD
NeurAbilities Healthcare
Kim Hindery
Child Neurology Foundation
Shelly Meitzler
TSC Alliance
11:50 AM
Closing Remarks
Sarah Kelley, MD
Johns Hopkins
- CNF Learning Portal: At the Child Neurology Foundation, we believe in the power of education. We are dedicated to creating a space for learning and growth. We have free one-hour CME courses for clinicians, as well as caregiver courses to support the mental well-being of caregivers.
- CNF Family Support Program: CNF’s Family Support Program offers families navigating a child’s neurologic diagnosis emotional and practical support from someone with similar experiences. By completing a brief request form, families gain access to resources like food, transportation, respite care, and financial aid, with assistance from a licensed bilingual social worker.
- TSC Alliance
Community Sponsors
Have a question about the symposium or resources on this page? Email [email protected].