Getting to know the CNF team – Cyndi Wright
Getting to know the CNF team – Cyndi Wright

Each week, we’re sharing a profile from a member of the CNF team. This week, meet Cyndi Wright, who manages CNF’s Strategic Operations.  

Photo of Cyndi Wright

Cyndi Wright

What’s your role at CNF? 

I work as a Contractor on CNF Strategic Operations.  Currently, I’m managing the annual education initiative, which for 2019 is managing Disruptive and Harmful Behavior in Children with Epilepsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder.  I’m also working with the team to develop the program and select expert speakers for our Peer Support Best Practices Workshop.

How do you spend your time when you’re not at work? 

 I’m outdoors with my two boys, Simon ,12, Thomas, 11, my husband, Dave, and our two dogs.  I also spend time volunteering in our community.  I volunteer as an advocate for children with learning differences and serve as the chair of the Special Education District Advisory committee for our school district.  I also serve on the board of our school education foundation. 

What is your power color and why? 

 My power color is green! It brings feelings of growth, fresh starts and green means “Go!”  When I see a challenge or an opportunity, I go after it.  Nothing brings me more joy than helping improve the lives of others – especially children! 

If you could have one super power, what would it be? 

If I had one super power, it would be to make more time.  Everyone needs more time.  More time with freinds and family. More time in nature.  More time to help others.  More time to make a difference. 

What do you love about your work with CNF? 

I love working with an incredible team both at CNF and with our partners.  We all have incredible passion for helping children with neurologic conditions and their families.  We each have our areas of expertise and we work together to create the best services possible, as fast as possible.  As we say in our values, we want to go farther, so we go together. 

Which CNF Value do you identify with the most? 

I love our collaboration, but I think our commitment to integrity is critical.   I’m proud of our accountability and our focus on serving children and families.  If a project isn’t in line with our mission and vision, we don’t take it on.  This allows us to focus on what is important and “hit the ball out of the park.”  We strive for homeruns, not just to score, and we do that by acting with integrity in our work and relationships. 

How did life lead you to join CNF? 

My journey to CNF has resulted from my commitment to use my skills to help make a difference in the lives of others.  I began down this path when I was working for a family who lost their son to SUDEP.  Before I knew it, I was launching and directing the Epilepsy Foundation SUDEP Institute.  After my son began struggling in school and showing signs of a neurologic condition, I decided to direct my energy toward children with learning differences and became certified as a special education advocate.  While I love the work and I still consult with families, I realized I could impact more families by working to raise awareness and change systems.  Working at CNF take my background expertise and passion to change the lives.  I couldn’t have ended up in a better place!  

You have 30 seconds to pitch Bill Gates about CNF at a conference – what do you say? 

Mr. Gates, one of the primary aims of your foundation is to enhance healthcare globally.  CNF’s vision is a world in which all children with neurologic conditions reach their full potential.  We value education, just like your foundation.  Each year we take on an education initiative to teach medical professionals the best practices and provide tools to improve care for these children.  Similar to your foundation’s belief in open access to research, CNF’s serves as a collaborative center of education and support.  All our initiatives our open to our partners and other community leaders.  We would love you to join us in serving children with neurologic conditions! 


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