Authors: Swati A Karmarkar, MD, Texas Children’s Hospital
Shruti Rane, PhD, Kennedy Kreiger Institute, Baltimore, MD
Reviewed: July 2021
Hemiplegia involves paralysis or weakness of one side of the body. It is often due to a brain injury. An injury on one side of the brain can cause paralysis on the opposite side of the body. Signs of hemiplegia other than paralysis or weakness can include:
- Seizures
- Difficulties with speech
- Difficulties with fine motor skills
- Difficulties with cognitive functioning
Testing often includes a brain MRI. MRI stands for magnetic resonance image. MRIs can produce pictures of the brain.
Treatment involves:
- Managing underlying causes.
- Treating any associated conditions. Recurrent seizures, epilepsy is an example.
- Rehabilitation. This involves treating muscle tone abnormalities. It also involves therapies. Physical, occupational, and speech therapies are examples.
Disorder Overview
The term hemiplegia means paralysis (“plegia”) of one half (“hemi”) of the body. The term “hemiparesis” is sometimes also used. Hemiparesis refers to a milder weakness on one side of the body.
Severity varies from child to child. On one end is very mild weakness. On the other end is complete paralysis of one side of the body.
Common Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms can be subtle. They are sometimes missed. Generally speaking, signs of hemiplegia include:
- Differences in how a child uses left and right sides of body
- Favoring one hand at an early age in infancy before hand dominance is typically established (before age 12 months)
- Keeping one hand fisted
- Delayed walking
- Difficulty walking
- Difficulty with balance
- Tip-toe walking on affected side
- Spasticity (stiffness) or tightness in muscles on affected side
- Other abnormal muscle tone
- Symptoms of stroke such as:
- One-sided facial droop
- Slurred speech or loss of speech
- Weakness on the affected side
- Numbness on the affected side
Coexisting Conditions
Children may experience other conditions alongside hemiplegia. These added conditions are due to the injury that caused hemiplegia. They can include:
- Seizures. Seizures may immediately follow brain injury. They may also take place remotely, months or years later.
- Cognitive and academic difficulties.
- Speech/language concerns. This can mean trouble understanding speech. It can also mean trouble speaking.
- Sensory deficits. This might include changes to vision and decreased sensory perception on the affected side.
- Behavioral or psychological symptoms.
Hemiplegia is caused by an abnormality or injury on one side of the brain. If the left side of the brain is affected, it can result in right-sided hemiplegia. If the right side of the brain is affected, it can result in left-sided hemiplegia.
Causes at Birth
There are numerous causes of hemiplegia in children. Many are linked to events around birth. This is known as the perinatal period. In these cases, the term hemiplegic cerebral palsy is often used. Various issues can affect the fetal or baby’s developing brain. Examples include:
- Stroke
- Brain malformations
- Injury due to prematurity
- Injury due to lack of oxygen (hypoxic injury)
- Infections
- Brain Bleeding
Causes in Older Children
Hemiplegia can also begin in older children. Causes of hemiplegia in older children include:
- Stroke
- Brain tumor
- Brain hemorrhage
- Brain infections
- Physical trauma
Causes of Temporary Hemiplegia
Temporary cases of hemiplegia are possible. They can result from:
- Seizure.
- Migraine.
- Transient ischemic attack. A temporary condition in which there is decreased blood flow or oxygen to the brain. May be due to a blood clot, spasm of the artery, or blood vessel malformation.
Hemiplegia and Stroke
Hemiplegia can be due to stroke. Often, what caused the stroke remains unclear. Causes of stroke can vary, but include:
- Genetic blood clotting disorders. These are inherited conditions. There are different types of blood clotting disorders:
- Thrombosis. Increased risk of blood clots forming in blood vessels.
- Embolus. When a blood clot, typically in the heart or large vessels in the neck, breaks off, flows into the brain, and clots a blood vessel there.
- Hemorrhage. Bleeding due to one of two things. First, it may be due to having blood that is unable to clot correctly. Second, it can be due to an abnormal blood vessel formation in the brain that bleeds or ruptures more easily.
- Congenital heart disease. This is something a child is born with. It can cause blood clots to dislodge in the heart. These clots can flow up into the brain’s blood vessels. This can result in an occlusion or blockage.
Hemiplegia can involve several tests. They may need to be repeated on a case-by-case basis. However, frequent or repeat testing is usually not needed.
Possible tests include:
Brain imaging
Usually, a brain MRI is needed to diagnose hemiplegia. The MRI can make pictures of the brain that can confirm the disorder. If hemiplegia is acute, a doctor may order a CT scan. This stands for computed tomography scan. A CT scan is another way to create pictures of the brain. A CT scan would then be followed by an MRI.
Blood vessel scans
Heart tests
Immediate Goals
Brain injury typically does not get worse over time. However, there is no “cure” for brain injury. It cannot be reversed. Therefore, it is essential to address the underlying cause as quickly and effectively as possible. This can prevent further injury.
For example, the underlying cause of hemiplegia may be an acute brain infection. Or it may be a stroke. Either way, doctors’ immediate focus will be on treating these conditions. They must do so before treating the hemiplegia itself.
Rehabilitation Goals
Later, doctors will focus on treating the symptoms of hemiplegia itself. This is called the rehabilitation phase. The goal will become improving functional skills.
This treatment is individualized. It is often multidisciplinary. At the beginning of treatment, expect the treatment team to outline:
- The goal of each therapy or treatment
- How long each treatment will continue
Treatments may be reviewed periodically over time.
A treatment team may include:
- Neurologists
- Rehabilitation specialists
- Developmental specialists
- Various therapists
Therapists are an important part of rehabilitation care. You might encounter:
- Physical and occupational therapists. Physical therapists help facilitate mobility and range-of-motion exercises. Occupational therapists can help with activities of daily living and fine motor skills. These therapists may recommend special braces or orthotic equipment.
- Speech therapists. Speech therapists can evaluate any swallowing or speech problems.
Some children may need treatment for abnormal muscle tone. For instance, they may need help with muscle tightness or spasticity. Oral medication such as baclofen can help. In selected cases, injections of botulinum toxin can help.
Treatment for associated conditions such as seizures may also be needed.
The predicted outcome for children with hemiplegia varies widely. Some things that can affect long-term outcome include:
- Underlying cause
- Extent and location of brain abnormality or injury
- Whether cognition and speech are also affected
- Degree of the muscle weakness
Brain injury is permanent. However, the brain can form new connections and pathways. This is known as plasticity. Plasticity means that bodily functions may be regained or relearned over time. Therapies can help with plasticity.
Many children with hemiplegia gain the ability to walk independently. Many can attend regular classrooms. And later, many will also function independently as adults.
Possible Lifelong Challenges
Depending on the underlying cause and other factors, hemiplegia can mean lifelong difficulties. These can affect the way children perform in the classroom and community.
Milder difficulties might include:
- Fine motor concerns
- Mild gait abnormalities
- Problems finding words
- Issues with attention span
More severe difficulties might affect:
- Intellectual reasoning
- Executive functioning (the skills needed to achieve a goal)
- Academic functioning
Continuing Support
It can be helpful to have a formal plan for support and education. This plan can be based on the child’s specific needs. It can help with academic progress. Support might include:
- A Section 504 plan
- An individualized education plan (IEP)
Related disorders include:
- Hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Hemiplegia is often the result of a brain injury that occurred in utero, during birth, or in early infancy. These children may be diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.
- Alternating hemiplegia of childhood. This is a rare genetic condition. It can cause returning episodes of weakness, paralysis, or other symptoms. These episodes can alternate sides of the body. This condition typically begins in infancy. Episodes are more common in infancy and childhood. However, they can persist into adolescence and adulthood.
HemiHelp (based in the UK)
HemiHelp is part of Contact, the charity for families with disabled children. They provide advice and support for families whose children have hemiplegia. The HemiHelp quarterly online magazine can be accessed for free. The My HemiCheck tool provides a customizable, printable hemiplegia “checklist” of how hemiplegia affects you personally.
And HemiHelp also hosts a private Facebook group for families affected by hemiplegia. Currently there are over 5,000 members.
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The information in the CNF Child Neurology Disorder Directory is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. Content provided is for informational purposes only. CNF is not responsible for actions taken based on the information included on this webpage. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.
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