Telehealth During COVID-19
Telehealth During COVID-19

Covid-19 Content:
Telehealth During COVID-19

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In this video, Dr Anup Patel Section Chief of Neurology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and President-Elect for the Child Neurology Foundation sits down for a conversation with Holly Paauwe, Parent, Creator of Hemimegalencephaly (HME) Family Support Network, and HME Specialty Director of The Hemispherectomy Foundation.

This week’s topic is presented in partnership with the American Epilepsy Society. 

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Additional resources:

CNF has put together a list of 10 tips and tricks to make your next telehealth appointment a success.

Download a copy of the CNF Telehealth Tip Sheet.

Our friends at the American Epilepsy Society have also put together a set of resources to help families to navigate telehealth.


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