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Cristina Vargus is on a mission. Her 6-year-old son Julius, who she lovingly refers to as Juju, has a smile that lights up a room…

Empowering Smooth Transitions of Care: Insights from CNF’s Latest Access Child Neurology Episodes

Earlier this week, I got to preview CNF’s newest Access Child Neurology episodes about the transition of care. Featuring my colleagues from CNF’s Transition Expert…

“When we have community, hope prevails.”

What drew you to the Child Neurology Foundation and its mission? How do you see yourself contributing to the foundation’s ability to provide support for…

Desiree Magee: Traveling with a medically complex kid

Hi there!  I would like to introduce myself, my name is Desiree, I am a wife, mother of two girls, Adelaide 15 and Daphne 8,…

Brad Thompson on ‘The Personal Side of Things’

“One thing we know – when we spend our days surviving, it’s hard if not impossible to dream.” -Brad Thompson How has the Child Neurology…

From the AAN Meeting: Insights into the Future of Neurological Care

Every year, our partners at the American Academy of Neurology host a week-long conference for neurologists to gather and learn from each other at their…

Making an Impact: The Child Neurology Foundation’s Digital Access Program

The Child Neurology Foundation’s Digital Access Program provides children and families affected by neurological disorders with access to telehealth services and a community of support…

Family Support Program Grows with New Hires

The Child Neurology Foundation is excited to announce the addition of an incredible woman to our Family Support Program staff: Vivian Medrano, Social Worker &…

Family Support Program

Peer support is a form of emotional and practical help from somebody who has lived through a similar experience and who is trained to offer…

CNF-CNS Statement on Türkiye and Syria Earthquake

As the leading organizations representing the child neurology community, we stand in solidarity with our child neurology colleagues, their patients and families in Türkiye and…

Harnett Grant Recipient Shares Their Family’s Infantile Spasms Story

The Child Neurology Foundation helps families throughout the course of their journey. Thanks to the generous support of the Harnett Family, the Child Neurology Foundation…

What CNF Families Need To Know About Medicaid Unwinding

What CNF Families Need To Know About Medicaid Unwinding Although the COVID-19 public health emergency is ongoing, some protections are being removed. For our CNF…

#NeuroHero Story: Rylae-Ann’s Diagnostic Journey With a Rare Disease

  Richard Poullin and Judy Wei live in Thailand with their 4-year-old daughter Rylae-Ann. Although Judy says her pregnancy and delivery were uncomplicated, when Rylae-Ann…

#NeuroHero Hudson’s Story of Hope

During our Child Neurology Awareness Day #NeuroHero campaign in October, we had several families reach out to us to share their #NeuroHero stories. One of…

What do you want CNF to advocate for? A preview of our 2023 Policy Agenda

In early November 2022, we previewed a new initiative of becoming stronger advocates for our families and their challenges at the national level. Now, after…

Dec. 1-7 is Infantile Spasms Awareness Week

Infantile Spasms (IS) are a medical emergency. Infantile spasms are a rare, but very serious type of seizure. Infantile spasms are caused by a condition in…

Public Health Message: Surge of Respiratory Illnesses

Our friends at the Maternal and Child Health Bureau have shared with us that with winter still more than a month away, they are already…

Amy Brin on the Value of Nonprofit Collaboration

CNF Executive Director and CEO Amy Brin was recently featured on the Successful Nonprofits podcast to talk about CNF’s unique ability to be a convening…

Welcome Three New Members to the Board!

Welcome! This month CNF welcomed three new members to the board: Madeline Chadehumbe, MD Peter Kang, MD Monique Terrell Madeline Chadehumbe, MD Dr. Chadehumbe is…

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